Thursday, March 24, 2016

Is that "Now" or "Now," Great Clips?

Consider this a tangent in my overall effort to bitch about service.  Here's a simple website that MOSTLY has it right.  I probably think too much.

I happen to be lucky enough that my hair looks the same no matter who cuts it or how.  I might as well go cheap.

I've gone to Great Clips.  It's fast and under $20.  They don't make appointments, but refer you to their online checkin service.  One nice thing about it is that they show you how long you'll need to wait.  In the past, I've been able to look and decide to check in later.

That shows an understanding that my time is valuable and they give me the information to decide.  Overall, the site is good.

There are two curiosities.  You can't make future appointments, but can check in, "Now."  If I'm ready "now," I'd be there.  I still have to get in my car and drive there.  If I were there, there'd be no reason to check in online.

The other is that when you make an appointment, you give your name, phone and the "number of guests."  I'm not sure why I find this odd.  Certainly, I've seen parents come in with several kids.

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