Friday, June 10, 2016

Honey Pot

The term "honey pot" is used to refer to a way of seducing or trapping someone.

"Legitimate" businesses now find that they can only get money through this method.

I was going to send a friend a birthday card.  All the sites from major greeting card companies claim "Free" service.  In each case, one selects and fills out a card, only to be required to "join."  Joining requires providing them a credit card number for the "Free" membership.  The "Free" membership converts to an automatic monthly charge to your credit card.

The hope is that one will forget to cancel in that time and that the company gets a monthly charge out of a percentage of users who are too busy to have a system in place to cancel their membership.  A smaller number will continue to be billed for months.

Pretty sleazy!
  1. The more places one uses one's credit card online increases the chance of theft of the credit card number and identity theft.
  2. Businesses that use this technique are admitting that their value and the experience are not enough to have people pay for the services.
  3. These companies are not upfront in their business practices.  "Gotcha" policies identify that a company has no ethical or moral underpinnings.  Their business model depends on taking advantage of people.
Just as we have the "Can Spam" law, a law must be enacted that requires any company advertising using the word "Free" must clearly add any restrictions and requirements every time the word "Free" is used.  Even an asterisk leading to tiny print would be a clear enough warning.

Friday, June 3, 2016

WashDOT, Let me explain the purpose of a sign

 I got an email today from the Washington Department of Transportation. It had a link to a video that would help you read the signs on the Good To Go lanes on route 405.

When you need a video to help you read a sign,  doesn't that tell you something? Is the solution to a confusing sign to create training for it?

I think the correct phrase is, "epic fail."

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Crystal Ball Required

I went to the Toys R Us website today to figure where the closest store is.

It works much like others.  But then I noticed something.  Each location has a backwards R (which is their icon) next to it.  These "R's" are in either Blue, Purple, or Green.  There is no legend or nothing to explain the difference.

Initially, I didn't notice that some were purple (too close to the blue).  It SEEMED that the Blue ones were only TRU and the Green were both.  Then I realized that didn't hold.  Perhaps I needed a crystal ball.  Better yet, I should have purchased a Magic 8 Ball from them.  (If you're under 30, look it up.)

Clicking on Chat, I asked to provide feedback.  At first the person said there was a legend.  (Good approach--tell your customer that s/he is either blind or dumb.) Then I gave him the link and he realized there wasn't.  He then explained that it had to do with the availability of pickup--next day, 10 hours, etc.

He then gave me a page that showed me the options.  But there was no way one could see on that page, to which store it applied.

If you're going to use symbols, explain what they are.  In my "role" to make the Internet user friendly, I found the contact us list.  Guess what....choices include live chat, phone or Facebook.  Facebook would be the best as it embarrasses the company, but I wanted to just drop an email.

If you study personality types (Myers-Briggs, or the dozens of others), personality types have different preferences for communication:  face to face, email, phone, etc.  By not allowing email contact,  they miss feedback from about 20-25% of their customers.  And since those customers have different buying patterns, they are working without any knowledge from those people.

By the way, on the pathway to the "Contact Us" dead end, they answer questions about the PIN Number on Gift Cards.  I think PIN Number is a term created by the Department of Redundancy and Repetitiveness Department and Division.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Guess again

Traveling in Seattle requires mapping programs, a strong stomach, and the willingness to drive around confused.

Here's a great example.  Traveling West (left) on route 518, one wants to go to the Tukwila International Boulevard Station.  This is one of the stops on the Link, a great train that travels through Seattle.

So on 518, there is a sign saying to exit for the station at 1.  As you travel down, you must select the right turn at 2, the left turn at 3, the right turn at 4, go straight at 5 and right at six.

There are NO more signs after the one at 1.  You're driving and have to make five fast guesses.  Since you have a 50:50 chance of guessing correctly if you've not done this before, your chances of getting there are about 3%.

Or, you can close your eyes and Trust the Force.

Internal Compasses

It's been discovered that many migratory birds and insects have internal compasses that help them migrate.  Cool!

But the city of Seattle seems to think that people also have this.  Maybe we do, but I don't know many who can really access it.

The following are actual signs.

I've been all over the country.  I've never seen a city that requires one to have a compass to park.  Of course one could use a sundial, but that wouldn't help at night.....or the 300 out of 365 days in Seattle where one cannot see the sun.

Customer Service Surveys

Don't you love the surveys asking how a company has responded to your request.

I use to bank at PNC in NJ.  PNC only provided phone numbers of the local branch.  I had a complicated set of accounts and needs that were beyond the local branch.  I loved the folks there, but I had special needs.

The toll free number was unable to help.  There was no ability to escalate.  No contacts for headquarters.  And since each group I reached at customer service could only do one thing related to one account, no one could ever help.

But that's history.  I'm happy to be rid of them.

I visited the branch sometimes three times a day.  (I had a retail business--deposits, getting change, etc.)  Each time I went I got a customer service survey.  Since I just saw that teller 9 times in the past few days, how do I answer the question of "Did the teller ask you about loans?" (I already had one.)  They only wanted to know what the teller did and how the teller was.

The tellers were great.  The institution sucked.  Their only concern was was the teller doing the job of selling me the right stuff.

2) It's not uncommon to have service requests that may take a few calls or emails.  A week later, I'll get a questionnaire.  But who am I evaluating?  I made 3 calls.  And who can remember how long I had to wait on a phone call a week ago? Why can't I get the questionnaire right after a call?

3) Often the questionnaires ask if the agent solved my problem.  Sometimes the answer is NO, but the agent was great.  If policy prevented them from being able to help, or they didn't have the power or knowledge (based on COMPANY policy) it's unfair to answer the question correctly.

4) I had received a router from my ISP.  I had some questions that were particular to that model.  I contacted the company.  No response.  Two months later I received a survey and a chance to offer feedback.  I wrote back stating no one ever responded.

Two months later I received a questionnaire about how they responded to my second request.

If you don't respond, why ask me whether I was satisfied?  And why send a second questionnaire about my response when you didn't read the response?

Sometimes it would be better not to ask.  Your surveys don't seem to be concerned with my satisfaction--they seem to be a way that you rate those people who don't have the ability to provide the right answer.

Catch 22 at University of Washington

Washington State has an incredible program in which many people may audit courses at (most) State Colleges for free.  Of course no credit is given, and there are reasonable restrictions.

After making multiple calls and emails with State Government, no one was able to tell me which schools were involved.

(the above was a bit of history...a little amuse bouche, as it were.)

I went to the University of Washington Web Site about the Tuition Exemption program.  As I read more, it led me to pages which included classes.  But I couldn't see any information about the details unless I logged in.  I don't understand why, but...

Logging in required a UW Net ID.  As I've never had one, I selected the option to get one.  The selections included State Employees, current students and multiple other categories.  The closest one that would apply to a member of the public (merely trying to find out course information at this time) was to select "Prospective Applicant."

Selecting Prospective Applicant, I was required to supply a Private Access code.  It also provided a number for the IT Department.  Calling the IT Department, I explained the situation and was asked what my UW Net ID was.  I once again stated I was trying to get one.  She asked if I used to have one.

She referred me to Admissions.  All information was divided into Freshman, Transfer, International or PostBac.

So their own site about Tuition Reimbursement referred me to look up course information that required IDs.  Then there seems to be no way to get an ID, other than apply as a student?  (Damn, I hope I don't have to retake my SATs and fill out the damn essays again!)

So using GOOGLE search, I found another page.  It says I have to apply as a Non-Matriculated student.  That costs $60.  But I'm not even sure IF I want to attend these classes until I can read more about them.  They seem to have restrictions, but I can't find out.

So I pay $60 to read a course catalog.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I know that paper is here somewhere....

A business can live or die by its Accounts Receivable.  If your clients don't pay you, you have no money.

I used to own some retail businesses in another state.  I closed them over six years ago.  Some might think me foolish, but I paid off all my debts.  I purchased from close to 300 companies in a given year depending upon how well their products did.

I still get statements and invoices from many, despite the fact that I paid them in full and closed my accounts.  The statements are always for a zero balance, of course.

How long until these companies know that an account is closed?  What resources are being wasted?  Does anyone know what's going on?  If their software is that bad to continue to bill closed accounts for zero dollars, what other mistakes occur?

Does anyone review this?  Are they noticing the million dollar accounts in arrears?  Are there any judgements being made?

In addition to this, I used to fulfill sales for many through an intermediary service.  I'd get an email stating that someone had ordered something and I could decide to fulfill it or let someone else do so.  Sometimes the messages would be for someone who wanted to actually pick up the product.  I keep notifying the company I've closed.  They keep telling me my account is closed.  If orders go to closed accounts how reliable is their computer system?  How secure is it?  Are people being sent to a store that closed years ago?

The incompetence of companies astounds me.  They don't know if their clients are open or closed.  Perhaps they're still sending bills to Enron.

Friday, April 8, 2016

No Good Deeds Go Unpunished....a tale about UL Labs

UL Labs ensures that electrical items are safe for the public.  Or so at least I thought.

Recently, I was putting one of the new fluorescent spiral type bulbs in a fixture.  Screwing in a lightbulb is not rocket science or brain surgery (or rocket surgery, for that matter).  Our hand either entirely cups the bulb to spread the pressure out on a greater surface area, or it is held gently in the fingertips.

This one broke at the spot closest to my palm.  That was funny as this was at the apex of the bulb, but any pressure was around the sides. I wasn't even touching that part of the bulb.

If there is a manufacturing defect, there are some severe dangers.  Broken glass at the palm can sever nerves, arteries and veins.  Rather than toss the bulb and get another one, I chose to write the manufacturer and UL Labs.

The manufacturer responded quickly and offered a replacement, which is what I expected.

A Susan Gilroy from UL labs responded asking for a photo.  I took one and sent it to her.  Then she asked for additional photoS, showing all the numbers and codes around the base and additional angles of the bulb.

I might also add, that I had already provided that information to her.  The writing was so small, it required a magnifying glass.  I should also mention that the printing was a light gray on an off white background.  If you know anything about photography, it's difficult to take pictures of something with such a low contrast, especially with the printing that was only a few millimeters tall!

I set up a background to offset the bulb, adjusted lighting to help the contrast, found a way to prop it up, took photos from multiple angles, enlarged them, and emailed them to her.  They couldn't possibly need more.

Next she requested that I ship her the bulb.  Now this was taking advantage of my good nature and civic-mindedness.   I've done my good deed by letting a public agency know about a potential safety hazard.  I've put in about two hours filling out forms, taking pictures and sending them.

I said I'd pack it up and asked if she could send up a UPS Call Tag (pick up slip).  They're a multi-million dollar organization.  As their mission revolves about safety, I don't need to pay to register a complaint.  It's around $7 to ship even the smallest package, plus going to the Post Office and waiting in line.

She said they would reimburse me.  Anyone ever try to collect from a big organization?  At the very least, I'd have to copy and submit my receipt with a signed statement, and wait for them to send a check (or try to find out where it was.)   (I wonder if the Food and Drug Administration wants people to ship their dead family members to their offices if one is reporting mortal side-effects from a drug? Does the Transportation agency want you to mail them  your car when you report the airbag exploded?)

Before I try to write a polite response, she emailed me again.  This time, she said that I should have held the bulb by the BASE while screwing it in and the manufacturer would replace the bulb if I contacted them.  

OK.  Pick up a light bulb.  Can your fingers reach the base?  And if they could, you wouldn't be able to put it in the fixture.  It might work if each of my fingers were six inches long....or if there was a big donut hole in the middle of my hand.  Most fixtures have no room for one to hold your hand from the side and hold the base....certainly not can fixtures or gooseneck lamps.   (I think she's suggesting I attempt a 'reach around.'  I always thought of that as something different.)  Her suggestion is anatomically-impossible.

She thought that the reason I filled out the lengthy UL Labs form was just so I could get a refund or a new lightbulb.  Then she patronizes me by telling me how to screw in a lightbulb.  And on top of that, it was anatomically impossible to do as she suggests.

Ms. Gilroy.  Might I suggest you attempt a different anatomically-difficult move.  It involves both ends of alimentary canal meeting in such a way to produce a warm, dark and moist environment for the head.

I guess UL Labs no longer is an independent voice, ensuring safety.  Safety is their least concern.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Is that "Now" or "Now," Great Clips?

Consider this a tangent in my overall effort to bitch about service.  Here's a simple website that MOSTLY has it right.  I probably think too much.

I happen to be lucky enough that my hair looks the same no matter who cuts it or how.  I might as well go cheap.

I've gone to Great Clips.  It's fast and under $20.  They don't make appointments, but refer you to their online checkin service.  One nice thing about it is that they show you how long you'll need to wait.  In the past, I've been able to look and decide to check in later.

That shows an understanding that my time is valuable and they give me the information to decide.  Overall, the site is good.

There are two curiosities.  You can't make future appointments, but can check in, "Now."  If I'm ready "now," I'd be there.  I still have to get in my car and drive there.  If I were there, there'd be no reason to check in online.

The other is that when you make an appointment, you give your name, phone and the "number of guests."  I'm not sure why I find this odd.  Certainly, I've seen parents come in with several kids.

Where did I put my Crystal Ball, E-Trade?

I opened up an account with E-Trade a few weeks back.  The site said I'd hear back within a day.

A week later, I get a message that there was a problem and it asked me to call a phone number. The voice mail system kept asking for an account number (I don't have one yet) and giving me all sorts of options that were irrelevant, but I managed to get through to customer service.

I was told I needed to provide identification, including Social Security Card and Driver's License.

Why didn't they ask when I applied?
Why didn't they tell me that was the problem?  (Just where IS my crystal ball?)

I ask if I can email them.  "No"  I have to use their online system. I went online, scanned my documents and uploaded them.  I "proofed" them online.  They were clear.

Two weeks go by.  I heard nothing.

I called to find out what the delay was.  I'm told one document was unclear.  (It's clear and sent in the highest resolution....I'm looking at the file now.)  But ok.

Why didn't you contact me and tell me?  No Answer.  (Damn, I keep forgetting to check my crystal ball).

But you can email it.  (Uh, two weeks ago I couldn't.)  I was told to take a picture with my phone, email it to his boss with instructions to forward it to him.  He says it can be opened as soon as they get it.  I email it.  Two days go by and I heard nothing.  By the way, I sent a copy of this blog to the manager thinking he might be interested in what the experience was like.  Never heard from him.

Two days later, I call again.  I'm told my account was open.

Why didn't you notify me?  He responded that they posted a message in my secure mailbox at ETrade.  Every other system that uses internal mail for security at least sends me a notification that I've got mail.

I asked why I didn't get notified.  He said they don't do that.  They think that if I have a problem I need to keep following up on it to see if it's resolved.

Do you believe that?

What if there are security issues with my account?  What if my stocks take a nose dive?  Will they tell me?

Now I've been holding onto two checks that I've wanted to deposit.  I log on.  I see I can mail them and it will take 5-8 days.  I can also upload them electronically, but ONLY from my phone.  (Gosh, I guess I should have studied harder in E-Trade customer school to know how to do business with them.)

If I can send it through my phone, why not my computer?  I've been doing that for years with different banks.

So, I download their software on my phone.  It asks if I want to get push messages from them?  (What would these messages be if they don't tell me about account problems?  Just ads?

I get logged in and set it up.  I click on the option to send a check electronically.  It tells me I can only do that after 90 days.

I can now electronically send these to my account, then set up a transfer to send it to them, asssuming they allow me to do that.

If I were asking for technical support or research or they owed me money, I could see them pushing me off to the side.  (Though that would be wrong.)  But I'm trying to open an account and put MY money into it.  They spend millions advertising to get people to do that.  So why is this SO difficult?  Why force me to jump through hoops?

It seems that they don't care about communicating or setting up new accounts.   Makes me wonder what will happen if there is a mistake.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Jump through these hoops, please

I received a letter from the Office of Personnel Management of the US Government.  My information, in addition to thousands of others, had been hacked.  (Let's hope the same security system is not used on our missile sites.)  They promised that we could have credit monitoring to take care of this.

Most would agree.  If you f* up, fix it.  Fix it quickly.  And make sure you don't f* up the repair.  And since citizens were now faced the danger of identity theft, make sure you don't punish the victims.

But OPM doesn't understand.

The letter has me log onto a website and enter a 25 digit number.  It didn't accept it.  I did this three times, each time getting an "Invalid PIN" error.  Did this mean I screwed up?  Did someone get my PIN and already apply?

There was a phone number to call.  I called, and someone said that thousands of PINS were invalid.  He then told me to call ANOTHER number.

(He actually said "PIN Number."  That's "Personal Identification Number Number."  Perhaps from the Department of Redundancy Department?)

I called the next number and went through a phone tree.  One option was the "Invalid PIN."  I selected that.  The woman who answered the phone asked why I called.  

She proceeded to ask several questions, and required that I read and re-read the 25 digit number to her several times and have her read it back to me.  She then read multiple "statements" (blame the lawyers) word for word and I had to state that I understood them.

Finally, she said I'd get a NEW letter with a NEW Pin in 2-4 weeks.  Uh, the technology exists to press a "submit" number and have a letter generated immediately.

Better yet, it's now over 13 weeks and still no letter.

So, let's ask a few questions.

  1. Why not sign people up automatically?
  2. Why in the world would I need a 25 digit PIN?
  3. Your system knew I had the wrong PIN (due to your error).  So it had to compare my PIN to my Social Security Number.  You had my address on file.  So you should have:
    1. Known WHO was sent bad PINs.  You should have sent a new letter as soon as you knew there was a problem.
    2. Allowed me to generate a new PIN myself, sent to the address on file.
  4. Why tell me to call a phone number when it wasn't the correct one?  
  5. Why not transfer me to the right group rather than have me call a new number?
  6. If I select "BAD PIN" from the menu, why ask why I called?
  7. If I'm already in danger of identity theft, why are you sending out letters in a 2-4 week period AFTER I'm trying to sign up and find you sent me the wrong PIN?
  8. And why haven't I gotten the PIN after over two months?

So the way the OPM treats the (potential) victims of their f* up, was to place the onus on the (potential) victims to initiate protection.  Then, make the process dysfunctional and complicated.  Then once people go through the Process to fix the broken Process to fix the security leak, drop the ball.

Why do I have this image of a cat playing with a mouse?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


I have used Quicken for over 20 years.  I used earlier versions for the PC and have used Quickbooks.  There were problems, but things got fixed.

I worked for a company that used Quickbooks Point of Sale.  Intuit should be sued for Fraud for selling this product.  The basic information one needs: How many in stock, How much is that stock worth, How many did I sell, and What was the value of the sales were correct randomly.   After months on the phone trying to find out why Historical Valuation didn't work, one of their Value Added Resellers told me there was a bug and the information wasn't correct.  (Let me just tell that to the IRS.)  The company didn't acknowledge it.  Those are just the highlights.

Skip ahead a year.  I'd not purchased Quicken for MAC as it did not do basic things such as download transactions from the bank.  Their new version did and I purchased it.  As with any new program there are sometimes problems figuring out how to do something.

There is a page showing investments.  There are two options:  Transaction view (each buy and sell) and Portfolio View (how many shares of each and how much).

When I clicked on Portfolio View, the option to print was grayed out.  You can read the entire text of the conversation below.  After an hour and a half with tech support, and being told to create a backup, uninstall, reinstall (which was an older version), upgrade and restore the backup, the answer was to do do Print Screens.

Yes.  The program doesn't a simple report.  But worse, tech support had me jump through hoops for over an hour, and never admitted the software couldn't do it.

It's annoying enough that Tech Support is obsequious and formal, "I will be happy to help you.  Let me see if I have this correct instead of just answering the question.

I provide the full text below.  I have removed my name from the dialog.

Interaction Web Tools
Printable chat history
RioKzarina E
3/9/2016 3:00:49 p.m.
Thank you for contacting Quicken.  
3:00:49 p.m.
All agents are busy assisting other customers. 
3:00:51 p.m.
Your position in queue is 3. 
3:03:49 p.m.
All agents are busy assisting other customers. 
3:03:49 p.m.
Your position in queue is 2. 
3:06:50 p.m.
All agents are busy assisting other customers. 
3:06:50 p.m.
Your position in queue is 2. 
3:09:50 p.m.
All agents are busy assisting other customers. 
3:09:50 p.m.
Your position in queue is 1. 
3:10:04 p.m.
Hello, my name is RioKzarina E. Please allow me a moment to review your comment and I will be happy to assist you shortly. 
RioKzarina E
3:10:14 p.m.
Thank you for contacting Quicken Support we apologize for the long wait, we’re getting large volume of contacts today but I am here now ready to help you.

3:11:00 p.m.
Hello or hola or kamusta or namaste 
RioKzarina E
3:11:12 p.m.
Hi Ryq, 
3:11:16 p.m.
How's your day today? 
3:11:20 p.m.
3:11:38 p.m.
From what i understood you want to print portfolio list, is that right? 
3:11:42 p.m.
Not too bad. (Kamusta is hello in Tagalog 
3:12:02 p.m.
Yes. I have my portfolio on screen but the print is grayed out. 
RioKzarina E
3:12:54 p.m.
I see, we really appreciate you for contacting us today and giving us a chance to make things better.  
3:13:02 p.m.
Will it be fine if I ask you some questions so I can find the most accurate solution for you? 
3:13:12 p.m.
RioKzarina E
3:14:08 p.m.
Alright, Before we proceed, can you please tell me what is the release version of your quicken software? In order to check that, kindly Go to Quicken>>>About Quicken.  
3:14:12 p.m.
Whoever provides the "rules" in the world of telephone support needs to cut out the unnecessary "polite" canned phrases. I know you are only following the rules. 
3:15:03 p.m.
Quicken for Mac 2016, 3.10 29.14518.100 
RioKzarina E
3:15:11 p.m.
Thank you for that information 
3:15:23 p.m.
Sorry if you feel that way 
3:15:40 p.m.
May i ask, How long have you experiencing this issue? 
3:16:01 p.m.
This is hte first time I tried it. 
3:17:10 p.m.
Looking at something now. It says Investments (total) then Brokerage (total), then Brokerage (zero), then the individual account s under it. 
RioKzarina E
3:17:36 p.m.
Alright, can you please try to double click porfolio list then go to File>> print 
3:17:42 p.m.
I downloaded it automatically. It's one account with an IRA, a Roth IRA, and regular investments 
3:18:45 p.m.
It will allow me to print the transactions. As soon as I click on Portfolio, the print option is grayed out . 
3:19:25 p.m.
(I thought there might be something with the way the accounts loaded and it might work on the "sub" account, but no. 
RioKzarina E
3:19:32 p.m.
Alright, Please click on the Apple Icon on the most upper left part >> then on the drop down list, kindly choose Force Quit >> Click on the application we want to close >> Then please click on the Force Quit button. 
3:20:09 p.m.
Instead of just quitting Quicken? 
RioKzarina E
3:21:09 p.m.
Yes it is a drastic troubleshooting steps for Quicken Mac software 
3:21:37 p.m.
RioKzarina E
3:22:19 p.m.
Please let's try to print again 
3:22:43 p.m.
I said hello in the languages where I usually know people in tech support. Looking at your name, I wonder if it might be russian. 
3:22:49 p.m.
I'll open the app and try again. 
3:23:57 p.m.
No. It goes from Export Tax Report to Print Checks. Page Setup and Print are grayed out. 
RioKzarina E
3:24:07 p.m.
Oh I'm from Philippines by the way 
3:24:25 p.m.
I see, may i ask, where did you purchase Quicken? 
3:24:35 p.m.
Was I wrong with Kamusta? 
3:24:57 p.m.
I got it from Amazon. Do you want serial numbers, etc.? 
RioKzarina E
3:26:45 p.m.
No it's correct and you can also say Kumusta 
3:26:57 p.m.
Oh sure please can you send me the screenshot of it? 
3:27:05 p.m.
RioKzarina E
3:27:52 p.m.
Please access this link to send the screenshot of it: (link deleted)

3:28:04 p.m.
New PIN: (pin deleted)
3:29:11 p.m.
RioKzarina E
3:30:37 p.m.
Thank you  
3:30:44 p.m.
Please allow me a minute or two to check on this 
3:32:25 p.m.
Thank you for that information 
3:32:40 p.m.
Alright, here's what we will need to do, 
3:33:06 p.m.
We will uninstall and reinstall Quicken using the new downloaded software from Quicken Directly 
3:33:18 p.m.
Please make sure that you have backup file 
3:33:22 p.m.
RioKzarina E
3:34:20 p.m.
May i ask, do you already have an account in Quicken? 
3:34:38 p.m.
Can you please provide to me your email address, Billing address and User name? 
3:35:28 p.m.
I think so. I have had other (older) accounts. 
3:35:50 p.m.
Name and address given
RioKzarina E
3:37:05 p.m.
Alright, can you please try to login here and verify: (link deleted)
3:38:20 p.m.
yes, it's under my email of (deleted) 
RioKzarina E
3:39:38 p.m.
Great! can you double check the User ID also? 
3:40:02 p.m.
That is also the User ID. 
RioKzarina E
3:40:12 p.m.
Thank you  
3:40:36 p.m.
Please uninstall now your Quicken software and make sure you have a backup file 
3:40:47 p.m.
To create backup file 
3:40:47 p.m.
Select File menu > Save a Backup...
Choose a place on your Mac to save the file. You can save it anywhere or on a flash drive, just be sure to remember where you put it.
Click Save 
3:42:15 p.m.
I have backed it up and uninstalled Quicken. 
RioKzarina E
3:43:21 p.m.
Okay please proceed now to your Quicken account and go to Download and Unlocks to install Quicken. 
3:43:33 p.m.
Please download the " Quicken 2016 DOWNLOAD for Mac NFR " 
3:43:37 p.m.
I have the original CD if that helps. 
RioKzarina E
3:45:13 p.m.
No, we will need to download the new software directly from Quicken. Please let's proceed 
3:45:23 p.m.
OK. It's downloaded. 
3:45:41 p.m.
Standard install by clicking on the dmg file? 
RioKzarina E
3:46:01 p.m.
Yes please then restore the backup we saved 
3:47:28 p.m.
It automatically loaded the data without my restoring. It walso says there is an update. 
3:48:14 p.m.
Do you still want me to restore? 
RioKzarina E
3:49:30 p.m.
Oh no need please try to print again 
3:49:52 p.m.
It still has Print grayed out. 
3:50:44 p.m.
This is Version 3.0.4 (Build 28.14259.100) 
RioKzarina E
3:52:06 p.m.
let us make sure that our Quicken software is updated. To do so, Kindly click on the Quicken word on the top left of the menubar or window >> then click on the "Check for Updates". 
3:53:27 p.m.
No changes. 
RioKzarina E
3:54:03 p.m.
Did you install the new update? 
3:55:02 p.m.
3:55:10 p.m.
I'm now on the version that I started with. 
RioKzarina E
3:58:20 p.m.
I see, please allow me a minute or two to check on thsi 
4:00:30 p.m.
Just to clarify. If I click on "Transactions" I can print. If I click on "Portfolio, it is grayed out. 
RioKzarina E
4:01:02 p.m.
Alright, we can still have other way to print your porfolio list 
4:01:15 p.m.
There is nothing under reports that seems to apply. 
RioKzarina E
4:01:34 p.m.
we can do the screenshot of your portfolio and just print it. 
4:01:51 p.m.
To do the screenshot 
4:01:53 p.m.
Press Command+Shift+4.
Click and drag the cursor around the area you want to capture.
When you release the mouse button, a file will be saved on your desktop. 
4:02:21 p.m.
CAN Quicken do this? 
RioKzarina E
4:03:21 p.m.
Yes just follow the step above 
4:04:59 p.m.
I know how to do print screens and could have done that an hour ago. 
4:05:11 p.m.
It's one step above copying it down by hand. 
4:06:01 p.m.
Does Quicken do this?' 
RioKzarina E
4:06:13 p.m.
4:06:25 p.m.
You mean Quicken does print using the screenshot? yes 
4:07:31 p.m.
Quicken doesn't do that. The Operating System can. Are there commands within Quicken that do this? 
4:08:38 p.m.
You could have told me that an hour ago. 
RioKzarina E
4:09:02 p.m.
Nope, Quikec Can't , we will use Operating system to do it 
4:09:27 p.m.
I just thought you are asking about doing screenshot 
4:09:56 p.m.
If I were asking how to do a screen shot, why backup, uninstall, reinstall and upgrade? 

Because we just try to refresh your software and make sure all your accounts are upadted 

Press Enter to send message

I disconnected.  It's clear the person had no idea what the program could/could not do.  The answer for everything is to deinstall and reinstall.

Even IF I were asking how to do a screenprint, why have me jump through all those hoops?

This IS typical of a call to Quicken.  You spend an hour on the phone with someone who doesn't know what you are trying to do and has no idea what the program can or can't do.