Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Why am I writing this blog?

The phrase "Tilting at Windmills" has come to mean attacking imaginary enemies.  Don Quixote, upon seeing windmills, told his companion that they were dragons.  The phrase has come to mean fighting injustice or being idealistic.

This blog is dedicated to identifying and shaming stupidity by businesses, corporations and organizations.

The concept of "customer service" or "customer-focused" has become a phrase that is used by every organization or group.  It is one of the great lies including:
  1. My door is always open.
  2. Think outside of the box.  (But you're working in a square cubicle.)
  3. People are our greatest asset.
  4. You are empowered to do what is right for the customer.
  5. We are focused on long-term growth and profit.
  6. We are currently receiving a high volume of calls and your wait time may be longer than normal.
  7. Your call is important to us.
As we each visit, call or visit the websites of businesses, we are confronted with inwardly-focused organizations which merely give lip service to customer needs.  The customer does not understand, cannot do what they need to do and become frustrated.  The companies THINK they're being helpful, but as no one has ever tried to "be their customer," they don't realize the barriers their customers face.  I call this "user-hostile."

Some quick examples:
  • Each time companies upgrade their software, they find it necessary to add unneeded features and move all the commands to unfamiliar spots.
  • Businesses only allow contact in a certain way.  Some have no email address listed (we ARE in the 21st century.)  Others have no phone numbers. 
  • But for those that do list a phone, they provide a phone tree system designed to infuriate customers.  Customers answer questions for voice mail systems that cannot understand them.   Only a few possible reasons for calling are on the menu.  If you have another question you are out of luck.  Pressing "0" rarely works.  Customers are disconnected.  No matter when one calls, there are long wait times.  Meanwhile their system says they have an "unusual" number of calls.  (Have you ever found ANY company that doesn't say this ALL the time?)
  • Web sites do not provide the information needed or functionality.  Companies brand everything and expect you to know all the in-house jargon and brand names.  "Did you want the Doodah service or the Hopnow?  Press 2 to reach the transition department."  HUH?
I am going to PUBLICLY shame those that treat their customers poorly.  Now, this is my personal point of view.  I reserve the right to color the experience for literary license.  I may leave out or add information. My experiences may not represent the experiences of all people.  Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.  (Can anyone write an opinion without hiring an attorney first and having a page of disclaimers?)

In my own sense of self-importance, this site will be read widely and companies will be shamed into changing their behavior.  I'll also create world peace. In the meantime it will provide me with some anger-management therapy, or just the chance for me to wallow and increase my blood pressure.

At this time, this blog will be limited to my own experiences.  I don't plan on opening it up to everyone's experiences just yet.

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